
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Proof that the human brain forgets pain

Proof that the human brain forgets pain, Exhibit A:

I've decided to train for another half-marathon. The last half-marathon I ran, in March 2006, totally sucked for me. I was dehydrated, I didn't sleep well, I don't think I trained properly. About 10 minutes into the race, I had a sinking feeling that I was going to have a shitty, shitty day, and sure enough, I did. I had such a miserable time that day that I vowed never to do another distance run again.

But here I am, salivating over new running shoes, mapping out training routes, and thinking about how fun it will be to do another race. Plus, I'm having a hard time getting motivated to get in shape, and training for a race should provide that motivation. It's in November. So the timing should coincide perfectly with my plan to get down to my pre-baby weight before getting knocked up again.

Which brings me to...

Proof that the human brain forgets pain, Exhibit B:

I've been thinking about getting pregnant again.


Jason and I always planned to go for Baby #2 after Zeke's first birthday, which is in 3 months. We have no intention to deviate from that plan, but I'm finding myself with Baby-On-The-Brain these days.

And the weird thing is, I'm actually looking forward to being pregnant again. Which is totally fucked up, because if you've been paying attention, you know that I was decidedly not a fan of pregnancy the first time around. I didn't feel terrible or anything, but I was impatient (hard to believe, I know) and I just didn't see what was so great about it.

But Zeke is at such a great age right now, and it's giving me baby lust. I know an extra kid will be an enormous amount of work, and I don't even want to think about which organ I'm going to have to sell to be able to afford 2 daycare slots, but I seriously can't wait.


  1. Susan and I were just talking about you and marathons this past weekend! And you're one of so many women I know who are planning on getting knocked up this fall! Fun!

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Unsolicited advice alert!

    If I had it to do over again, I would have my kids much closer in age than the three years or more apart they are.

    Just sayin'

  3. Another baby? More super-cute photos of adorable babies doing every day things that are adorable because super-cute babies are doing them? That gets my vote.

  4. Lisa - I hope you're counting yourself in the ranks of Campaign Impregnate in Fall '08 (TM My Brother Sam)

    DCup - I hear you. I think 18 months to 2 years is a good age gap. Plus, at my age, it's not like I've got years and years to dick around with it, so to speak. Kinda need to pop them out before my body decides it's too old to cooperate.

    moosie - thanks for the vote of confidence. Let's hope the second one is as great as the first!

