
Monday, July 28, 2008

Aussie word of the day: houso

I speak Australian. And for real, not like those Foster's ads. After being with an Aussie for 4 1/2 years, I know rhyming slang, regular slang, alternate usages, etc. So I've decided to spread the wealth.

houso \HOW-zo\ (for true Aussie effect, hold your nose while you say it), noun: someone who lives in public housing; the Aussie equivalent of calling someone "white trash" or "redneck."
"I'm not so sure about that little wifebeater ["singlet" or "singy" in Australian]. Zeke looks like a baby houso."


  1. Hahaha! He is so CUTE! I just want to pick him up and kiss on him! Even though he looks like a little houso. :)

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I think I've got it.

    "Zeke is an adorable houso!"

    I learned something today and can now go home. Thank you. Seriously, what a cutie you have on your hands.

  3. Aw, thanks! He is outrageously cute, isn't he? It's all coming together lately -- the curly hair, the teeth, the smiles and giggles, the chub. Sometimes I feel like I can't even deal with how adorable he is.

  4. he is just darling and looks like an old soul :-) and i totally pinched my nose when i said "houso". I sounded very much like a robot, albeit an Australian one.

  5. The holding of the nose is to produce the requisite nasal effect -- I find heavy Aussie accents to sound extraordinarily nasal.

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    He's sooooo cute!

    He could only truly pull off the houso look if he were waving about a baby bottle full of Pepsi.

  7. or a baby-sized pack of Kools tucked into the strap of his shirt...

  8. Don't forget the fingers stained orange from Chee-tos!

    He is too cute for words!

  9. The dog's ass in his face helps with the houso street cred too.

  10. If he were hanging out under a porch with the dog's ass in his face, that would be perfect. He was actually turning his head to gaze adoringly at the dog. He looooves Max.

