
Monday, April 18, 2011


I'm coming down from the high of Passover.  Maybe a little bit of a Manischewitz buzz.  A little overstuffed with brisket, haroset, horseradish, matzoh ball soup and way more coconut macaroons than I have any business eating.

It was lovely.  My cousins and their 1 year old came over, and my high school friend Kim came over, and a good time was had by all.

Passover is my favorite holiday.  I love the themes (Freedom!  Let my people go! Next year in Jerusalem!), the food, the family chaos, the telling of the story, the ceremony.  J loves it, too ("Baby, it's my favorite holiday since I became a Jew").

I love the fact that every year, we carry on a tradition that is being carried on all over the world, and that has been carried on for thousands of years.  And I love carrying on my own family traditions.

Using the china and silver that used to be my grandparents'.
The china I inherited from my grandparents, still meticulously packed with 35-year-old pieces of foam and paper towel protecting the plates, just as my grandfather always left them.
I'm third generation Royal Danish.
Using the kiddush cup and monogrammed napkins that I got for my wedding.

Using my grandmother's matzo ball recipe (the secret is seltzer water).

Enjoying the holiday with my children, who don't really get it yet, but they will, and they will carry on the traditions as well.
Zeke, of course, isn't wearing a shirt.  The Australian wine is a nod to J.
Traditions like this are a blessing.  A mitzvah.  They link us to each other and to a greater purpose.  On days like this, I am honored to be chosen.

Wishing you all a happy Passover, blessed Easter, happy spring.


  1. It's so nice to see all the traditions your family has :) Happy Passover! And the pictures of the kids helping and enjoying are so fantastic

  2. Happy Passover, happy traditions to you and yours, Wendy!

  3. I really enjoyed this post. As a Catholic, I love hearing about someone else's tradition. Your joy really came through in your words.

  4. I love this. We made a decision to skip the Seder this year due to other obligations and it's making me kind of sad so this means a lot.

    Happy Pesach, to you and the family, Wendy.

  5. Thanks, everyone!

  6. Oh how fun! We "celebrate" Easter, but are not religious and have no traditions, so we basically have a family dinner and drink wine. Still fun though =).

