
Friday, August 08, 2008

You never know

I just had a hilarious and bizarre conversation with my financial advisor.

I know that seems weird, but she's with USAA, and everyone with USAA is awesome and I love them.

So anyway, we're chatting about portfolios and IRAs and diversification and all that, and the topic of life insurance comes up. I explain to her that Jason and I recently got life insurance policies, so we're covered. She says that USAA has very competitive rates and that she'll pull some quotes for us because we might be able to save some money going with them.

She explains that the only downside of switching over from another company's policy is that your 2 year suicide window will likely start running again from the beginning.

This confused me. "I didn't realize suicide was a covered event in a life insurance policy."

"Oh, no," she said. "Suicide is covered, but just not for the first two years of the policy."

"Huh," I responded. "Who knew. Anyway, I'm not worried about that. I certainly don't have any intention of committing suicide, so if I can get a lower rate with USAA, I'll gladly look into it."

"Well, you never know," she said.

And I guess she's right, you don't.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    USAA is the best bank ever! I really need to look into the financial advising. Especially with the whopping .74 cent raise i recently got.

    Yeah, .74 cents. I'm a big baller now.....


  2. USAA is awesome. No joke.

    (Yes that is nerdly of me to even write that, but seriously considering how many banks blow, I felt that it was necessary to chime in...)

    Also, you're seeing Obama? I want to hear/read every single deet!

  3. I heart USAA too! They rock.

    I also did not know you could buy a life insurance policy and have coverage for 2 years if you commit suicide. Hmm..trying to think through the policy rationale for that.

