
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The home office dilemma

This is why I need a job where I have to actually get up and get dressed and go to an office everyday.

Because right now, I have some work that I could be doing. But it's easy. It's just a minor revision to a document that I prepared yesterday, and if I started it, I could be done in about half an hour.

So there's no urgency to it.

And I have other big projects that I could be working on, but one of them isn't due until October and another isn't due until November.

So again, I could do them today, but there's no rush.

In the meantime, I desperately need to give myself a manicure and pedicure, because my polish is all patchy and gross looking.

And the laundry could use some folding.

And my office is a disaster, so it could stand some straightening up.

And I still haven't finished unpacking from the Detroit trip.

And the U.S. men's volleyball team is playing Serbia in an elimination round right now on NBC.

Gee, I wonder which I'll choose...


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    My vote....Olympics all day. However, if you are going to tackle that laundry folding, I've got about 2 months worth that need to be folded, too! :-)

    Better yet. Sit back, have a Bass with Zeke, & call it an aloha kinda day.


  2. Not a bad idea, Sherice!

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I've gone back to working in a sort of structured office environment. The upside is that I no longer do paid work at night. The down side is my boss just saw me commenting on blogs. Whoops!

  4. Could it be considered "community outreach"?

