
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Breakup

For those of you wondering what happened with the whole Anne and Cindy saga, I've got the deets.

Basically, it's over.

Cindy got more and more clingy. Texting Anne constantly, and then if she didn't text back right away, she'd call. And then if she still didn't get a response, she'd have her husband text: "Cindy hasn't heard from you. She's worried."


Then one night, Anne and her husband Tom invited Jason and me over to have dinner and watch the Olympics. And didn't invite Cindy or her husband Kyle.

Which should be fine. There's certainly no rule that anytime you have anyone over for dinner, you have to invite the whole group. But Cindy and Kyle don't see it that way.

They found out about it because while we were there, Zeke made a big stinky poop and I had forgotten to bring his diaper bag. When I walked out of Anne's house to take Zeke home to change him, Kyle and Cindy and their kids were outside washing their car. I smiled and said hi and tried to be nonchalant, but they looked stricken.

That's when Cindy ramped up her efforts. She would corner Anne and tell her that if she and Anne were going to be friends, Anne needed to call her or text her every day to let her know that she was thinking about her and that she cared.

And here's the kicker. Cindy also told Anne that if Anne was going to be her friend, she needed to be committed to being her friend by not being friends or spending time with me.

That was the last straw for Anne.

So the two sides hashed it out. Cindy and Kyle's position is that Anne and her husband "misrepresented" themselves when they first moved in by spending lots of time with the neighbors and hanging out and drinking. So when Anne and Tom started work and didn't have as much time to hang out and drink, they were "betraying" Cindy and Kyle. Also, when Anne and Tom had us over for dinner without inviting them, that was the worst thing a friend could ever do to another friend.

Anne and Tom tried to explain that they have jobs and that they're tired at the end of the day, and don't always have the energy or the inclination to hang out and drink. They also pointed out that they don't need to justify to anyone who they have over for dinner.

There was no meeting of the minds, so they don't hang out anymore.

Jason feels weird because he's still friends with Kyle and doesn't like feeling like he's in the middle of a dispute. When he goes over to Anne and Tom's house, he tries to sneak out when no one will see.

I, being the misanthrope of the family... well, I don't really give a shit about offending anyone. I'm friendly but not close with Kyle, I never had much to say to Cindy anyway, and I really like Anne and Tom, so I will continue to hang out with them and not worry about it.


  1. Well, your husband is a very sweet guy but I'm in your camp. Cindy and Kyle sound a little nuts, Cindy a little more so. I do feel a little sorry for her, though. There's obviously a big void in her.

  2. oy vey, for's like wisteria lane but with lawn chairs and poo diapers...yeeks, i hate this sort of drama. i cringe for cindy, though.

  3. I feel sorry for Cindy. She's in a bad bad place. I'm sure she's done this to people before and the distancing makes her more and more desperate.

  4. I feel sorry for Cindy as well, but I can't do anything for her. She's not interested in being friends with me (and we really have nothing in common), and she's unwilling or unable to figure out her shit.

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Tell Cindy to grow the fuck up & get a life. Her actions are borderline stalking.


