
Monday, April 14, 2008

Oy vey

My husband isn't Jewish, but he likes to think that he is, on account of being married to one. I keep explaining to him that we're not a proselytising people, and that we don't make it easy for people to join up.

But he certainly earned some stripes today, by pulling a move right out of the classic joke about the Jewish telegram ("start worrying, details to follow").

He called me, said, "I heard a rumor they're laying off travelers [guys affiliated with unions in other states] at the end of the day, so I might be out of a job. It's just a rumor, though. I guess I'll find out later. Anyway, I gotta go. Love ya!" Click.

Thanks, honey. The rest of my day is sure to be delightful, now.


  1. STRESS! I'm sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed all will be fine.

  2. This, on top of the MIL for a month? This man seriously needs to cut you a break! Haha!

  3. I got a phone call like that the week before Christmas on a day when I was about to go out and buy our kids' presents. Not a fun day even though by 2 p.m. I got another call saying, that for us, all was okay.

    Of course, even though Scott did keep his job, 10 other people lost theirs on Dec. 17. I've been mad at his company ever since.

  4. It's still touch and go, but it's looking like his company is going to do everything it can to not fire him. Basically, they're going to keep him on and hope the union doesn't notice.

