
Friday, March 07, 2008

Bad mommy?

This morning Zeke woke up with a nose full of green snot. This is distressing not only because I don't want my little monkey to be sick, but also because we're leaving for Colorado in just under 2 weeks, and I don't want to take him on a plane and have him at altitude for 5 days if he's got sinus issues. Because sinus issues in babies generally lead to ear issues, and flying with an ear infection sucks ass. In fact, if he developed an ear infection, I wouldn't take the trip.

I sprayed some saline up his nose and sucked the boogers out with one of those baby snot-sucking bulbs. I took his temperature -- 99.5. Not great, but not terrible -- still less than a degree over normal. So I gave him some infant tylenol and took him to school.

Then I went surfing.

Kathleen called this a "veteran parenting move," i.e., I'm no longer a hysterical newbie who panics at the first sign of illness. Or it might be a euphemism for "you're an unfeeling asshole, going surfing while your kid is at school feeling like dog-shit."


  1. If he is going to be fussy let others deal with him for the time being. He will sleep at school just like he would at home. He could also be starting to cut a tooth which causes cold like symptons.

  2. My thoughts exactly. I'm paying them an outrageous amount of money every month, and he loves his teachers, so it's not like he's suffering. He wasn't even unhappy -- he was his normal smiley, gurgling self. If he had been really miserable, I would have kept him home.

  3. good call save his "sick" days for when he needs them.

